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European Interactive Advertising Association Report Dec. 2010

The European Interactive Advertising Association has published the EIAA European Media Landscape Report Summary December 2010 Key FIndings of the report: Key findings 521m 16+ year old people in the 15 European countries sampled According to EIAA’s latest Mediascope Europe study 76% (396m) of all 16+ year old people across 15 European markets surveyed use different media simultaneously with almost a third (30%) using the internet whilst they watch TV A third (33%) of Europeans cannot live without the internet, equal to the percentage of Europeans who claim they cannot live without TV 54% (279m) of Europeans use the internet in a typical week spending 12.1 hours online 16‐24 year olds use the internet more frequently than they watch TV – 79% of this younger demographic use the internet between 5 and 7 days each week while 76% watch TV as regularly More than 8 in 10 (83%) online Europeans use a broadband connection and over half (52%) of these broadband users are wireless The most popular web activities amongst all European internet users include; email (76%), communicating via social networking sites (45%) instant messaging (40%) watching film, TV or video clips (32%) contributing to ratings and reviews (27%) … Read More

France: La 'Google Tax'

According to yesterday’s Le Figaro article, companies advertising online will have to pay a tax – the infamous ‘Google Tax’ – equalling 1% of the yearly ad spend from January 1st 2011. This tax creation was proposed by french  ‘député’ … Read More

Ireland's Bad Broadband Penetration

According to the OECD latest figures, Ireland’s broadband penetration is one of the weakest in the world. Out of 31 countries surveyed, Ireland ranks 22nd with 20.3 per cent of broadband penetration. The average is around 24.3 per cent for … Read More

Quick worldwide Facebook stats in 2010

According to Internet World Stats there are close to 2 billion Internet users worldwide. According to same source there are around 520 million Facebook users or 7.6% of the total Internet population. Europe has the most Facebook users or just … Read More

The Latest On Yahoo-Google Partnership In Japan

When Yahoo Japan and Google Japan announced its plan for search service tie-up (both organic search and PPC services) in July, Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) gave a statement that they didn’t think it would violate the Antitrust (or Competition) … Read More

Statistics on Internet Usage in Italy September 2010

Audiweb published a new report new on Internet usage in Italy based on data harvested in September 2010: 32,9 million Italians between 11 and 74 are now connected to the Internet “on a permanent basis” i.e. from “anywhere” with “any device” during the last year mobile internet access has increased 26,1% reaching 11% of the active population during the month of September 2010 24 million Italians surfed the web at least once from a PC Domestic use of the Web increased by 14,3% now reaching 12 million families – approximately half of those with at least one family member in their 70s and have access via a computer (personal, company owned, or television) 67,8% of those families connected (8,4 million) rely on high speed DSL or optical fiber access with a flat contract (92,6%): 22,2% rely on mobile wireless USB devices (2,7 million) On an average day there are:    3,7 million active users from the north west 2 million from the north east 2 million from central Italy 3,7 million from Southern Italy and the Islands Source: Audiweb … Read More
