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Digital marketing for global brands


10 Top Tips For Succeeding Online In China

China offers huge opportunities for international businesses, but it is important to understand the unique Chinese internet landscape, language, culture and present challenges when running a business in China. Today we will highlight some of the common misconceptions and mistakes … Read More


Ireland leads in European e-commerce

Global marketing news – 14 December 2015 Ireland leads in European e-commerce Ireland came top in a recent table released by Eurostat measuring the proportion of turnover companies are making from online sales in different EU markets. Online sales accounted … Read More


International Beats Local In Vietnamese Ecommerce

Global Marketing News – 11th December 2015 International beats local in Vietnamese ecommerce Foreign online retailers are pushing out local players in the Vietnamese ecommerce market. According to research by the Vietnam Ecommerce Association, the most popular ecommerce sites in … Read More


Internet Influences Majority Of Brazilian Purchases

Global Marketing News – 10th December 2015 Internet influences majority of Brazilian purchases The internet is becoming an increasingly important factor for shoppers in Brazil, according to research by Boston Consulting Group. Despite ecommerce accounting for just 4% of all … Read More


Belgium Sets Facebook Precedent For Europe

Global Marketing News – 7th December 2015 Belgium sets Facebook precedent for Europe Facebook has agreed to stop tracking non-users in Belgium. The announcement comes one month after a Belgian court ordered Facebook to stop tracking users who are not … Read More


Alibaba Opens Offices In France And Germany

Global Marketing News – 4th December 2015 Alibaba opens offices in France and Germany The Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba is to open offices in France and Germany. It aims to encourage more French and German businesses of all sizes to … Read More


German Court Gives Website Blocking Powers To ISPs

Global Marketing News – 1st December 2015 German court gives website blocking powers to ISPs A German court has ruled that the blocking of websites is permissible in certain circumstances. The ruling said that internet providers are obliged to block … Read More


Facebook Chooses Asia To Expand Instant Articles

Global Marketing News – 30th November 2015 Facebook chooses Asia to expand Instant Articles It appears that Facebook has chosen Thailand and Vietnam as the next two markets to receive its Instant Articles feature. Instant Articles allows users to publish … Read More


Google Reveals Right To Be Forgotten Leaderboard

Global Marketing News – 27th November 2015 Google reveals “right to be forgotten” leaderboard Google has released a transparency report detailing “right to be forgotten” requests it has received from Europeans since May 2014. The EU “right to be forgotten” … Read More
