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Digital marketing for global brands

Advertising on Facebook is powerful

Do you want to know how to run and optimise Facebook campaigns, even if you lack any experience with this? Keep reading to learn how it can greatly benefit your business too, even internationally. Is it still worth investing in … Read More


Ad blocking: How can marketers work around it?

Marketers spend a lot of time creating and designing great adverts and giving them the visibility needed to reach big audiences; however, ad blocking softwares are getting more and more popular, hindering your chances of getting your ads seen. Let’s … Read More


WhatsApp launches new service for businesses

Global marketing news – 23rd January 2018 The messaging app WhatsApp has launched a new service for businesses. It is now possible to edit keywords within the AdWords app. Various South East Asian countries look set to introduce an ecommerce … Read More


China clamps down on VPNs in censorship push

Global marketing news – 19th January 2018 China is clamping down on virtual private networks (VPNs) in an attempt to tighten online censorship in the country. Google has announced that, from July 2018, page speed will be a ranking factor … Read More
