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Digital marketing for global brands

Spanish Newsletters on crutches

Internet marketing and e-commerce is really taking off in Spain. But one cannot argue that it is not a bumpy road with plenty of room for improvement. In their study, Netyidea, a Spanish internet marketing strategy firm, who analyzed Spanish … Read More

China's Sohu Commits to Emphasize Search

Sohu seems to have adopted the Avis moto, “We try harder.” And, taking the global Google out of the mix, like the Avis, Sohu is China’s number two search engine. The Chinese government has tightened restrictions on internet companies, and … Read More

Greek internet usage statistics

Half of the Greek youth (aged 15-29) are online. This is the one of the main findings of a recent report based on the profile of the new generation provided by the Department of Communication and Mass Media of the … Read More

Ukraine: Internet Censorship?

As the Ukrainian government has decreed the governing of websites by enforcing compulsory registration, before websites go online. This latest move has led to serious commotion among the local media, as well as Reporters Without Borders (RSF), who claim the … Read More

Russian RSS Portal launched

This week saw the launch of the first aggregation site for Russian RSS feeds, called Kanban.ru. In the same way as the popular Technorati or Bloglines service Kanban will work to become a central portal for the new RSS format. … Read More

China Requires Blog and Site Registration

The freedom of the web is limited by the country it is connected to these days. As the article from Reporters Without Borders tells us China now requires every blogger and webmaster to register their online presence. China appears to … Read More

El Pais Online: News for Everyone

Two and a half years ago, El País, the most read newspaper in Spain, began a paid online subscription service that baffled everyone. Anyone without a subscription was unable to walk past the headlines found on the homepage. After over … Read More

Wi-max services in Italy starting 1st July

The Italian Minister of Telecommunications Mario Landolfi has announced the launch of Wi-max («Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access») starting next July. Wi-max will be available for an initial 6 month period on an experimental basis, in a limited number of … Read More

More on Opodo in Spain: Rumbo in the picture

Like their entrance into eight other countries, Opodo dived into the Spanish market, forming an alliance with Rumbo, an already established and unquestionably successful giant. In conjunction the two companies have plans to maintain the joint effort until they reach … Read More

Opodo moves into Spanish

Big brand Opodo has moved into its ninth European market with the launch of www.opodo.es. Opodo is already well established in the UK, Germany and France – and already entered the Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and Finnish markets in early … Read More
