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Digital marketing for global brands

IP tv

Telecom Italia and Tiscali announced the launch of IP tv starting at a T.B.D. date some time between September and November of this year. Telecom Italia is now broadcasting Video On Demand via Rosso Alice 4 Mbit ADSL which they … Read More

Google China Hire Starts MSN Lawsuit

Seems a new hire at Google, formerly of Microsoft, has created a stir and has been served with a lawsuit by MSN. ZDNet reports that Kai-Fu Lee is being sued by Microsoft for “the confidentiality and non-competition agreements he signed … Read More

Canada May Outlaw Google

Interesting article about the impact of new laws in Canada. Search engines in Canada will have to be very aware of copyright laws, though the international nature of the web may make it hard to enforce. The only possibility is … Read More

Yahoo makes first moves on Poland

Yahoo is heading towards a Polish launch – at least that’s the conclusion of the Warsaw Business Journal which reports that Yahoo has launched Polish-language email accounts with 1 GB capacity. Currently, the Yahoo domain for Poland – pl.yahoo.com redirects … Read More

China Joins Spam Fight

An article at internetnews.com, annouced that China is joining the internation battle against SPAM. China, the article notes, is the leading nation for zombie computers – infected computers that are used to send Spam. They have joined the 29 nation … Read More

Blogging, taking Spain…and the world

In a recent study by Auna, eEspaña, mentioned in an earlier post, blogging received its share of attention in a special section entitled eSociedad (eSociety). Spain already has 68,000 blogs, but of course only half of them are actually active. … Read More

New Spanish search engine about to appear?

Could the Spanish ‘Paginas Amarillas’ (Spanish Yellow Pages) be about to launch a new Spanish search engine? Lucía Bartolomé contacted ‘Multilingual Search’ regarding having spotted a site at www.noxtrum.com under development. Currently only indexing is taking place. Lucia says “The … Read More
