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Digital marketing for global brands

Yahoo! Invests $1 Billion in China's Alibaba

Seems the battleground between the major search engines has shifted to China. Following Google’s interest in Baidu – that recently went public and whose stock is performing well – Yahoo has announced a billion dollar investment in Alibaba – a … Read More

5% internet usage in India

Juxt Consult – an Indian research agency – has published a set of 5 reports on the Indian sub-continent – including one which shows that internet use in the sub-continent remains below 5% on average – but that’s still 22.7 … Read More

MSN Spain unveils a simplified makeover

Clearly the big news this week is PPC, all across the board (Ask Jeeves, Yahoo and MSN). The new products that will inevitably keep everyone busy adjusting and transforming their campaigns. But life goes on, and other news, although small … Read More

AOL targeting Latino Market

Seems AOL is joining the popular push to attract more Latin traffic. They have announced a new TV and radio campaign whose goal is to draw more Latinos to AOL. The Spanish speaking market seems to very popular right now.

Technorati broadens their horizons

According to the Technorati blog, you’re all welcome to search for blogs in a total of ten languages (Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish). This new search addition is still in beta (ie. there are still … Read More

Slovak broadband connections mushroom

How does a 527-percent growth sound? Surreal. But true. Last year Slovakia had 8,275 broadband internet connections and now, they’re looking at 51,869. With that number, coming to a 1% penetration of the entire population, they are clearly far behind … Read More

Google buys Brazilian tech company

Google announced it purchased Akwan Information Technologies, a Brazilian search company. Google plans on establishing a Research and Development division there and to use it as a base to spearhead their Latin American efforts.
