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Digital marketing for global brands

Online spending budgets rise 18% in Italy

A recent study by the e-Media Institue of Milano has identified a strong 18% growth in online marketing expenditure in 2005 when compared to the previous year. The study called NON SOLO BANNER was carried out between July and September … Read More

Algeria has 1 million internet users

Not much is reported on search engine or internet use in the Arab world, relatively speaking, but the Algeria-based Confederation of Finance and Account Executives has published figures giving Algeria 1 million internet users from a 32 million population. Sources: … Read More

Bulgarian search engines – where are they?

Bulgarian internet is getting bigger and mature. Many statistics prove that fact. Millions of web users are now online. Thounsand and hundreds of thousands of websites are serving their needs. Still, Bulgarian search engines are nowhere to be seen on … Read More

Russian search engine Yandex, expands into Ukraine

Yandex, Russia’s most popular search engine, announced today the opening of their portal in Ukraine. This will provide local search, news and information. As Arkady Volozh, General Director of Yandex explains, “Opening a branch in Ukraine will dramatically speed up … Read More

Ask Jeeves’s Japanese blog search

According to the Search Engine Journal blog, Ask Jeeves has released a new blog search engine for Japan. The launch coincides with the Google announcement earlier this week about the beta of its own blog search. Apparently there are 3.35 … Read More
