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Digital marketing for global brands

Japanese portal founder jailed

Takafumi Horie, founder of Liverdoor – a major Japanese portal – has been jailed along with other members of the executive board following allegations of breaches in the country’s Securities Exchange Law. The beleaguered company has dropped more than 60% … Read More

Internet in China is closed for business

Shakil Khan, well known commentator and "Man on The Ground" in China, reports on the hype surrounding online opportunities in the country. What I see around me is a lot of "Smoke and Mirrors" activity taking place, and I think … Read More

Broadband for everyone in Japan by 2010

At the 6th Fiber Optics EXPO in Tokyo, Japan, Mr. Tamada of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications gave a speech about “Next generation broadband plan 2010”. He said, “The next generation broadband plan 2010 aims to grow Japan as … Read More

Google imitates Zoeken.nl?

According to news on SEW is Google currently testing a feature which we know from the Dutch Search Engine Zoeken.nl as keyword-clustering. Google offers this new tool as a “quick result”. We have already seem this tool at Google Base … Read More

Korean site drags Google into david-goliath match

“Don’t be evil? Don’t trust Google!” Google was accused by a Korean community site(www.humoruniv.com) of not paying the Korean site for having Google’s AdSense on its Web site for two months. The site was supposed to receive a check of … Read More

Russian Rambler buys 51% of Price Express

In a busy week of consolidation for Russian search engines, Rambler has purchased 51% of Price Express, a leading e-commerce Internet company and owner of several high profile web sites in RuNet. Price Express operates the internet portals Price.ru, Domoteka.ru … Read More

Microsoft opens online ad research center in China

Microsoft in a bid to keep up with Baidu, Yahoo! China and Google has opened an “adlab” in China. This research lab will focus on improving Microsoft’s pay per click advertising program, adCenter. Microsoft originally tested adCenter in Singapore. Source: … Read More

Offline Google Ads

The first Google offline content ads appeared in the ‘Sun-Times’, as reported by the Chicago Times on 12 December. They have closed a deal which allows them to fill a column on the right with 15 positions. They even seem … Read More
