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Digital marketing for global brands

Google opens google in iceland

Google has opened www.google.is as a regional version of their search engine. They seem to be recognizing Iceland as a viable market even though it’s small. They have even made Picasa in Icelandic – http://picasa.google.com/intl/is/!

China's online ad spending surges

Online ad revenue passed magazine ad spending in China and is expected to pass broadcast ad spending this year, according to iResearch as reported by the Shanghai Daily. The majority of online ad spending is at the portals, Sina, Sohu … Read More

Spain: the FON movement just got bigger

If you haven’t heard of it yet, it won’t be long. And if you’re reading now, you’re about to be impressed. FON is Martin Varsavsky’s latest creation. It’s one of those ideas that makes you think, “Why didn’t I come … Read More

BB Portal for digital TV in Japan

5 top home appliance manufactures* has organized “DTV Portal Inquiry Working Group”. “It is important to provide the services that are easy to understand and easy to use, as digital TV and Internet become part of people’s lives in Japan. … Read More

Ask Jeeves Japan's new services

On February 1st, Ask Jeeves Japan launched beta version of the local area information search services “Jimo Navi” from Ask.jp . Ask.jp has also launched mobile version of the local area information search service “Ask M Town” on January 24th, … Read More


A reader sent in a comment about the LinguaWeb search, which is a bilingual, Bahasa Melayu and English search engine. For those outside of Southeast Asia, Bahasa Melayu is a language spoken in Malaysia. It’s a Malaysian specific dialect of … Read More

Google top of mind in the Netherlands

Search Engine Mediabureau Checkit presents with RM Interactive the results of the National Search Engine Monitor. A research under 1.297 Dutch people. Here the date of who knows the Search Engine by name, who uses a particulier Search Engine and … Read More

Google to launch censored .cn website in China

Google will launch the new version of its search engine using the China “.cn” suffix. A Chinese-language version of Google’s search engine was available at the .com address but because of the Chinese government’s filtering it was often inaccesible or … Read More
