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Digital marketing for global brands

Google Italia launches blog

The official Google Italia Blog was launched yestderay April 3rd. A brief introductory post by Setfano Hesse, Corporate Communcations Manager invited users to interact and provide feedback as well as anticipating featured guest bloggers in the near future to get … Read More

45.3% of Ukraine prefers speaking Russian

Ordered by a US governmental institution, the Kiev International Sociological Institute conducted an opinion poll of 2,021 Ukrainians by the end of 2005, the results of which were published by the REGNUM News Agency today. According to the research, despite … Read More

Baidu still reigns supreme in China

According to iResearch, a market research company in China that focuses on Internet media, e-commerce, online games, wireless value-added and other new economic fields which relate to Internet industry, Baidu controls 56.6 % of the search market share. Following at … Read More

New GSM service provider in Iceland

A new company, only Internet based, opened the first of April. The company is called SKO and is owned by the same company, Dagsbrun, that operates Vodafone in Iceland. Their services will only be Internet based, no “phone” support and … Read More

Russian Internet daily audience has grown 29%

The second annual conference “Audience Control and Advertising in the Internet” has just come to a close in Moscow. More then 300 people from different regions of Russia came to the capital to discuss internet advertising perspectives, 2 times more … Read More

China's search industry to face "sharp slowdown"

According to Analysys International, an Internet based provider of business information, China’s search engine industry will experience a sharp slowdown in revenue growth over the next 18 months. Search engine users are dissatisfied with search results and advertisers aren’t seeing … Read More

Silver surfers cause worldwide internet growth

The Pew Global Attitudes Project has released a report illustrating the rapid growth of internet use globally. Much of this growth can be put down to more women and over 50’s coming online across Western Europe. The report also contains … Read More

Russian domains reach half a million

Ru-Centre, the Russian Registrar, has released this Monday on the number of domains in circulation. According to their figures 140 000 new URLs appeared last year in the Russian internet, which is 46.31% more than in 2004. In the beginning … Read More

China aims to can spam with new measures

With 60% of the emails in China considered spam, China’s Ministry of Information enacted their first anti-spam measures to take effect on March 30th. Unfortunately these measures are purely administrative and only apply to anyone operating an email service. China … Read More
