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Digital marketing for global brands

China's leading search engine launches "Baidupedia"

Baidu, China’s leading search engine, launched a censored version of the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. The website Baike.Baidu.com is also referred to as “Baidupedia”. Late last year China blocked all access to Wikipedia. Registered users can contribute but Baidu also hires … Read More

Whats up with Google?

I was running a reverse IP check to see how many and what sites where hosted at the same server/IP as my client. While I was doing that I desited to check how Google was storing their sites, how many … Read More

Moscow Wi-Fi Network to reach 4m homes

Information week is carrying the news that Nortel and Golden Telecom, a large Russian Internet service provider, are teaming up to build a large Wi-Fi mesh network in Moscow. The companies said that the network will provide access to about … Read More

2 million Japanese enjoy YouTube

The Internet Usage in Japan (by Net Ratings) reports that more than 2 million Japanese had accessed to YouTube even though the site is in English. The number of Japanese users who access to YouTube has been rapidly increasing since December … Read More

Google's Gu Ge is no Gou Gou in China

Google’s new name, Gu Ge which loosely translated means harvest song, is getting a lot of feedback and most of it is negative. In a recent poll by Sina.com, 85% of those responding were opposed to the Gu Ge name. … Read More

Yandex pushing Russian internet access

As anyone who studies the Russian internet market knows, internet access is a key problem. While ADSL/SDSL high speed connections overtook dial-up for the first time this March this growth primarily reflects the situation in the large cities, such as … Read More

What does prompt Japanese to search?

According to the survey done by Opt and Cross Marketing, the “newspaper articles” was the number 1 reason (37%) why Japanese male searches, and the “conversation with family and friends” was the number 1 reason (49%) why Japanese female searches. … Read More
