Enquire Now

Digital marketing for global brands

Russian President Putin on Yandex

The Russian search engine Yandex is partnering with the BBC to collect questions for a special interactive session with President Putin to be held on the 6th July 2006 at 1400BST. “We understand that the number of question will greatly … Read More

Integration of blogs and journalism

The European Journalism Observatory presents the results of a recent study conducted in Europe on the progressive integration of blogs and traditional media, and how Journalists are relying more and more on blogs to pick up new stories. … Read More

More mobile net users than PC net users in Japan

The latest research by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication shows that there are more mobile Internet users (approx. 69.23mil) than PC Internet users (approx. 66.01mil) in Japan for the first time in history. It also shows 57% (approx. 48.62mil) … Read More

Baidu, Joyo sign ad deal

Joyo, the Chinese Amazon.com, has signed a deal with Baidu for placement of ads on the Baidu site. Joyo, which expanded into numerous ecommerce areas, is a prominent Chinese b2b player.

Ebay launches mobile auction service in China

Chinese auction website eBay Eachnet has launched a mobile based auction platform with Tom Online. Under the agreement Tom Online provides wireless technology for eBay Eachnet. This new platform will allow users to do their shopping through any WAP-enabled mobile … Read More

Brazil: Vint Cerf 's visit to Brazil

Vint Cerf, Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist and so called one of internet’s father (have you noticed that all invention has a father, but no mother?) spent this week visiting Brazil. I had the privilege to have lunch with him yesterday, … Read More

Google may rethink China policy

Sergey Brin, Google co-founder, met with reporters near Capitol Hill and acknowledged the company has compromised its values by relenting to Chinese censorship demands. He said Google is trying to make the deal work before deciding whether to reverse course. … Read More

Google signs up 8th AdWords agent in China

Google, the world’s leading search engine service provider, authorized Shenzhen Metropolis Search to sell Google AdWords service in Shenzhen and the Shantou area of Guangdong Province in southern China. Shenzhen Metropolis Search was set up in 2005. CE Dongli Technology … Read More
