Enquire Now

Digital marketing for global brands

Dutch Farmers have lost court case against Google

Reuters reports that the Dutch farmer dating site (supported by the FNV Union) has lost their court case in Amsterdam. The judge ruled that the keywords (in broadmatching) “farm” and “date” were too general. The combination (Farm-date, Farmdate etc.) however … Read More

Google launch book search in Brazil

Google Book Search was launched this week in Brazil. Its the first version targeting South America. The publishers already involved are: Senac, Callis, Boitempo, Planeta, Grupo Oceano, UIA, Editorial Norma, Random House Mondadori, Longseller, Iteso e Editora Pedagógica e Universitária. … Read More

Australian Govt. start mobile porn laws

The newspapers in Australia are covering a developing story about laws being started to regulate adult content for mobile phones. Though not strictly search, this restriction can have consequences to other industries on the web. Censorship needs to be regulated … Read More

Yahoo Brazil has new president

Bruno Fiorentini, Yahoo Brazil’s President since company started in 1998, is moving to Australia, where he will lead Yahoo/7 operations. Yahoo/7 is a joint venture with Channel 7. He will be replaced by Guilherme Ribenboim, currently General Manager of Yahoo … Read More

Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference

Don’t miss a first-class event on Internet Marketing, the fastest growing marketing sector in the world. Organised by Nordic eMarketing in cooperation with Multilingual search and one of Internets most influential person Chris Sherman. Nordic eMarketing ltd. Reykjavik Iceland invites … Read More

Leit.is opens search.is

Leit.is opens search.is specially for foreign markets. This is a crawler based engine writen in the US by a partly owned Icelandic company, MUNAX LLC.

Overture Japan ads now appear on mixi SNS

Overture Japan began serving ads to Japan’s No.1 social networking service “mixi” on July 27. The content-match ads appear on the mixi content search results pages. On July 26, mixi announced that its membership reached 5 million on July 24. … Read More

China Internet users soar to 123 million

According to a recent survey by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) the number of Internet users in China has increased nearly 20 percent over the past year to 123 million. China currently ranks second to the U.S. in … Read More

The Icelandic search engine landscape

Nordic eMarketing has been doing a research on search engine usage in Iceland. Beside the International major players like Google, Yahoo and MSN there are couple of regional engines. Final results for this research will be published later this year … Read More

5th Birthday for Yandex Direct in Russia

Today is the 5th Birthday of Yandex Direct, the leading contexual advertising system in Russia (think Adwords). The service was born on 31st July 2001 and powers both the Yandex search engine as well as several other leading Runet sites. … Read More
