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Digital marketing for global brands

How will Google's YouTube do in China?

Google’s recent purchase of YouTube has caused quite a stir in the industry as Google moves from a search and adverstising company to a media company and that means Google’s YouTube won’t fly in China according to David Wolf at … Read More

Online gambling under threat in Russia

This week President Putin introduced a new bill to clamp down on the gambling industry in Russia. The new bill entitled “About the State Regulation of Activities on Gambling” in currently in the project stage and has yet to be … Read More

Market share Dutch search engines

The new numbers of the Dutch National Search Engine Monitor (research 1.379 Dutch people) provided by search engine marketing company Checkit and RM Interactive show that Google still the most used search engine. Sometimes used Google 96% (+1) Ilse 20% … Read More

Google’s GuGe is a no-go in China

China Tech Stories noted on 27 September 2006 that the Google’s logo on google.cn was the original and not the newly created one for Guge, Google China’s name. However the old Guge logo came back so many thought it was … Read More

China blogs top 34 million

The popularity of blogs in China is evident by the growth of 30 times the number in the last four years. 17.5 million people fancy themselves blog writers while 55 million are regular readers. This comes from the latest report … Read More

CM prompted search – survey in Japan

Many CMs aired in Japan now mention a keyword phrase, some even show a phrase being typed in the search window on commercial. According to Internet.com and goo Research, 52% of the Internet users who responded to the survey have … Read More

Yahoo Japan's digital home engine

Yahoo Japan made a licensing agreement with Mediabolic for its web media product software, with which Yahoo Japan is going to develop “Yahoo! digital home engine”. Once it’s developed, people can access Yahoo Japan’s services such as search engine, auction, … Read More

Search engine optimization growth levels 6.7%

Marketing Sherpa has released an annual research study into the state of search engine optimisation (SEO). The study reveals a significant customer satisfaction amongst those employing organic placement with search engine traffic increments ranging from 73% to 110% for those … Read More

Yahoo China sues software developer Qihoo.com

Alibaba.com’s Yahoo China filed a lawsuit against Qihoo.com for unfair-competition. The lawsuit was filed in Beijing’s No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court. Beijing Sanjiwuxian Internet Technology, which operates the Qihoo.com Web portal, distributes software , “360safe”, that urges users to unistall … Read More
