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Digital marketing for global brands

Google discusses Australian market

An article on the ABC Australia website details Google’s view of the Australian market. Basically they see a lot of growth potential as the media spend is below 10% of total ad spend. Should be a major push to develop … Read More

Google Brazil finally had a victory

Google Brazil got a court order overuling the previous decision which jeopardized its operations in Brazil. It’s still a provisory decision, but it’s good news for Mountain View at last. Google recently implemented several upgrades in Orkut, in order to … Read More

Wikipedia sorts out the China blocking moves

I earlier posted that China blocked and unblocked Wikipedia and that it was now available in most of China. That information was wrong and none other than the founder of Wikipedia, Jimbo Wales, set me straight. I won’t try to … Read More

China web porn king gets life sentence

Chen Hui, founder of China’s leading pornographic website, “Pornographic Summer” was sentenced to life and fined 100,000 yuan (about $12,500). Mr. Chen is only 28 years old. Eight other people involved with the site were sentenced to between 13 months … Read More

Wikipedia blocked then unblocked again in China

Wikipedia, a Web-based free content encyclopedia, has recently been blocked again in China according to the Information World Review. Despite the fact that Wikipedia is now accessible throughout most of China, there are reports that is still completely blocked in … Read More

Google News in Sweden

Google News has launched a Beta version in Sweden. http://news.google.se/ The newspapers are abit scared and headlines are out about the incident in Belgium when Google got sued for linking to newspapers in the region. The Newspapers in Belgium won … Read More

Forrester Research Profiles European Bloggers

Forrester Research provides insight on Bloggers in Europe. Research shows there are four million active bloggers mostly young, and early adopters of new technologies, as well as heavy Internet users. European bloggers trust each other and are more open-minded than … Read More

New trend in Japanese SNS market

As I’ve reported in past, SNS services are really hot in Japan. While mixi went public with more than 7mil members, and Softbank to offer Japanese version of MySpace, there’s a new trend in SNS market in Japan. At nanoty.jp, … Read More

More than 500K "xxx.JP" domain registered

“.jp” domain debuted in February 2001. With more than 500,000 domain registered, now there are more “xxx.jp” registered than other form of JP domains such as “xxx.co.jp” and “xxx.ne.jp”. The total number of registered JP domain is 866.495 (as of … Read More
