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Digital marketing for global brands

Web 2.0 in Portugal

Social media and Web 2.0 are rather recent concepts, but well known ones in the US. But in Portugal its praticaly unknown. In fact, only recently did some companies begin to invest seriously in some online initatives, that could be … Read More

Gmail – emails are still not found

People in Sweden are still reporting that they’ve had problems with Gmail and that their email from the beginning of January still hasn’t been found. Google says its fixed and hasn’t been a problem after December 2006, but it seems … Read More

Eniro.se relaunch

Eniro has relaunched their website and claim to have a better service now. They are still using Googles search index but is integrating it better now with their other services on maps and address-information. For instance, they provide you additional … Read More

McAfee partners with China Unicom and Baidu

McAfee developed a strong base in China by partnering with China Unicom and Baidu. McAfee offers virus protection, internet security software, personal computer updates, hacker protection and anti-virus downloads. China Unicom (China United Telecommunications Corporation) which is the second largest … Read More

Changes in PPC ads in Japan

There are some changes in PPC ad market in Japan in December. Here’s some notes for those people who are running the ad campaign in Japan market. – MSN Japan’s Live Search result pages now show the ads from Microsoft … Read More

China online spending increases nearly 50%

According to the Internet Guide 2007, a recently released report from the Internet Society of China, Internet users in China spent RMB 276.76 billion ($35.5 billion) on Internet services in 2006. This represents an increase of nearly 50 percent over … Read More

Google, China Mobile team up on mobile search

Google and China Mobile announced a joint venture in setting up an online search technology for China Mobile, a carrier with roughly 300 million subscribers. The new services are expected to be launched early this year. The partnership will include … Read More
