Enquire Now

Digital marketing for global brands

Gmail free for all in Brazil

Since last week anyone can sign-in to Google’s free webmail. Until now you needed an invitation from an user. Brasil accounts for second largest number of Gmail users, boosted by Orkut.

Yahoo launches Mobile ads in Brazil

Following the roll-out in 19 countries, Yahoo introduced banner ads on its mobile-specific Web site. According to Click Z “The ads on Yahoo’s mobile sites are part of a new publishing platform built to better deliver both content and marketing … Read More

ICANN U-turn over outdated domains

According to Cnews, plans by ICANN to delete some of the more ‘outdated’ domain extensions in their index have been derailed. They had opened a public discussion in San Paulo with a view to removing these extensions, which ended last … Read More

Norway's FAST cuts out the middleman of search advertising

Norway’s FAST, a leader in search engine technologies in the world has launched its private-label monetization platform called AdMomentum for online media publishers, retailers, and telecommunications service providers. Publishers now can have their own network and advertisers without any third party intervention. AdMomentum will help publishers to build direct relationships with their advertisers with customized interface and advertising options like: Text, Images, Video, and audio. … Read More

Japanese are talking about videos online

NicoNicoDouga” is not a website for you to submit videos, but to comment about videos you viewed at YouTube and Ameba Vision. Since the opening of its beta version on January 15, 2007, they received 10 mil comments by Feb 7, and getting more than 20 mil page views/day. At NicoNicoDouga, you can submit the URL of videos you wish to comment, or search for videos that people are commenting.
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Yandex reports 2006 profits in Russian market

Yandex, the leading Russian search engine, have announced their preliminary financial results for 2006. Revenue is reported to total $72m (USD), more than double that reported for 2005. “Our internal research indicates that 2006 was the first year that search/context advertising accounted for more than half of Russia’s total online advertising,” – said Arkady Volozh, General Director and co-founder of Yandex. … Read More

MSN China to provide job search engine

MSN China has announced it will roll out a job search engine. Company spokesperson Richard Feng said “we are going to offer a job-hunting service in the next few months”. The online job market in China last year was 1.15 … Read More

European telecoms operators threaten US search hegemony

Europe’s largest telecoms operators – with one American firm – are planning to launch a mobile phone search engine to rival Google and Yahoo. The companies concerned include Vodafone, France Telecom, Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Hutchison Whampoa, Telecom Italia and US firm Cingular. Combined, they have a user base of 600 million people – with some 20% in the UK expected to have broadband speed mobile phone access by the end of 2007.
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Google participates in Cairo ICT 2007

Google established their Middle Eastern branch in Egypt last year for Business Development purpose; now they are strengthening their regional existence by taking part of the most important IT events in the region at Cairo ICT Exhibition from February 4 – 7, 2007. … Read More

Korea's Daum and Google agree to Web Search Ad deal

Daum Communications, Korea’s 2nd largest Internet company has confirmed in 26th January 2007 that it has teamed up with Google in keyword ads and has been already paid for 222,8 Million USD from Google for 3 years gurantee. According to … Read More

YouTube's CEO will visit JASRAC in Japan in Feb

JASRAC (Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers) announced that the U.S. video-posting website YouTube’s CEO and CTO will visit them in February to discuss the request made by them to remove the large volume (about 30,000) of … Read More
