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Yahoo! Japan Laboratory opened

Yahoo! Japan announced the opening of Yahoo! Japan Laboratory in Tokyo. It aims to contribute to a healthy, rich development of the Internet by investigating and researching a further possibility of the Internet with the advancement of the technology, and … Read More

Internet & Business Conference in Russia

The 2nd Internet and Business conference will take place in Moscow on the 18th-20th of April. Some of the topics set to be covered include: Exponential growth of internet in Russia Contextual advertising/pay for placement systems and future developments Electronic … Read More

Google opens new office in Moscow

Google is celebrating their first anniversary in Russia at the moment and according to 3dnews.ru, they are marking the occasion by opening a new office in Moscow. In 2006, Google set up two development centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. … Read More

Orkut is visiting Brazil

Orkut Buyukkokten, the engineer behind Google’s social network website, is visiting Brazil for the first time. He is in Rio de Janeiro this week, and will visit São Paulo (including a breakfast at GooglePlex with a select group of clients) … Read More

Russian E-commerce up 42% in 2006

Yandex, the leading Russian search portal, has released a new report on the state of e-commerce in Russia. The results are promising, up 42% in 2006, racing ahead of the 25% rise seen in western markets. As expected, Moscow leads … Read More

Rambler appoints Ex-Yahoo as General Director

Russian search company Rambler has announced the appointment of former Yahoo! Europe chief, Mark Opzoomer, as General Director (CEO). This move is seen by many analysts as a positive step for the search company. While Rambler were the first search … Read More

Ask.com behind the Anti-Google campaign

Ask.com admits that they’re behind the nifty guerrilla marketing campaign launched to promote search alternatives, in effect to sway users away from Google. After all, Google the market leader by far. The url at the bottom of the advertisement is … Read More

Russian Yandex introduces conversion tracking

Yandex, the largest of the search engines in Russia have introduced conversion/goal tracking to their engine this week. Site owners can place the JavaScript on their pages and conversions will be listed in their reports for PPC advertisements. The goal … Read More

Blogs to be censored in China

Once again the fear of freedom has pushed the Chinese government to censorship. This time blogs are the target. According to Reuters, “the director of China’s General Administration of Press and Publication, Long Xinmin, said the administration was forming rules … Read More

Yahoo! China sued for music piracy

11 music industry giants are suing Yahoo! China for alleged copyright infringement. The lawsuit was filed by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) on behalf of the their members. Among the 11 are Warner Music, Sony BMG, EMI … Read More
