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Digital marketing for global brands

Japanese government's Bot Measure Project

Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications just announced the status of “Bot Measure Project”, which started in last December. In 2006, they collected 974,999 bot programs and found 1,711 programs, which were not … Read More

Hi5 closes deal with SAPO in Portugal

Hi5, one of the most successful web 2.0 sites in Europe, and one of the most visited sites in Portugal, chose Sapo, the most important entertainment portal in that country, as the search engine for its Portuguese users. Sapo replaces … Read More

Google China apologizes to rival Sohu

Google offered an apology to search rival Sohu who complained its data was used by Google in a new Internet tool. This recent controversy highlights the intense competition in China’s booming online market where Internet companies invest heavily on search, … Read More

Japan web development and web marketing consortium

A non-profit organisation, Japan Web development and Web marketing Consortium was established on 1 April to improve the quality of Japanese web. Current members include, Adobe Systems, Apple, Microsoft, web design companies, and some individual members. They plan to offer … Read More

Japan University to introduce Google Apps

Japan University just announced its plan to introduce Google Apps (Education Edition), and provide it to students (up to 100,000 students). The service includes, Gmail, Google talk and Google calender. They plan to provide the service to a total of … Read More

Free PDF on Website Globalisation

Marketing Sherpa have released a useful white paper on Website Globalisation, you can download this free of charge until the 11th April. Web globalization isn’t just for large multinational corporations anymore. Companies of all sizes are capitalizing on the Internet … Read More
