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Digital marketing for global brands

Microsoft invests in TV manufacturer in China

Microsoft Corp. and Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., a major Chinese TV manufacturer announced they will jointly develop entertainment products that will link the Internet and television. The Internet has developed as a channel to distribute movies and television programs. Roger … Read More

New Russian search engine GoGo launched

Mail.ru have launched a new search engine into Runet this week, called “GoGo”. GoGo allows you to search for web pages, pictures, photo and video files. In addition, area search index included Otvety.mail.ru service. The search engine currently indexes 1 … Read More

OLX Launches Russian Operation

OLX, the online classified service, have announced their expansion into the Russian market. The company provides a similar service to CraigsList, where users are encouraged to place free classified adverts for products or services. Working already in 35 countries, OLX … Read More

Google partners with Sina

Major Chinese portal Sina has signed a partnership deal with Google, according to MarketWatch.com. Google will provide a search box on the Sina pages, while Sina will provide Chinese news to Google. The partnership has been the topic of discussion … Read More

Google's multilingual search tool

I just found the Google multilingual search tool. It is a good starting point, but remember to try a keyword suggestion tool to find the words that may actually be used. Looking at what the local sites are using for … Read More

Google Turns to Advertising in Russia

C-News reports that Google has launched its first ever advertising campaign in Russia. While usual Google policy is to rely on word of mouth to build support, they have decided to change policy in Runet. Google’s advertising banners appeared on … Read More

Rambler announces end-of-year results in Russia

Rambler Media, the holding group for the Rambler search portal, have published their end of year results for 2006 today. Report highlights: Internet Revenue up 91% on year to US$28.3m (from US$14.8m in 2005) 24.4m unique monthly users for Rambler.ru … Read More

Google Maps in Sweden

So, finally we will see a Google maps section in Sweden! Great to see it launching but It will probably not be a big difference from the big Google map we have already seen apart from local content. The local … Read More

Russian Yandex Continues Push Into Ukraine

Yandex, the leading Russian search engine, announced today the opening of a new office in Kiev. One of the main thrusts of the new branch of Yandex will be to develop existing services for Ukrainian users. Ukraine is promising market … Read More
