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Digital marketing for global brands

Second Life, not so big in Japan… yet

Japan.Internet.com and goo Research announced the results of their survey about the Second Life in Japan. The survey was conducted against 1087 Internet users in Japan. While Second Life has been receiving many media attentions, it seems that not many … Read More

Japanese spend more time at Nicovideo.jp than at YouTube

NetRatings announced the results of its “August Internet Usage” report. According to the report, NicoNicoDouga (nicovideo.jp) gained the total usage minutes by 52%, and had higher “average use time” and “average number of visits” per person than that of YouTube … Read More

Russian .SU increases stakes in ICANN fight

As reported in February, ICANN is continuing attempts to delete the .SU (Soviet Union) domain extension. Pressure has increased after the successful decommissioning of the .YU (Yugoslavia) address this week, where operators for the new extensions .RS for Serbia and … Read More

The sleeper awakes… slowly

It might not be a surprice but India is booming, the country might only be a sub-continent, but it is a mega-country to be in regards of internet usage, but the rise is slower than expected. According to a recent … Read More

China Yahoo offers lifetime email services

China Yahoo launched a Lifetime Emailbox offering unlimited capacity for users in China. The domain name is @yahoo.cn and the email offering was available as of September 10th. The email servers will be hosted in China based on local media … Read More

E!10 Search Marketing Conference in Estonia

Estonia’s first ever search marketing conference (E! 10) will be held at 2pm on September 13th at the Sõprus Cinema in Tallinn’s old town. 250+ people are expected for the event organised by Altex Marketing Speakers and their subjects are: … Read More
