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Digital marketing for global brands

An SMX/Sphinn event in Israel?

Barry from SEroundtable postes in his personal blog about a possible SEO event in Israel, (and maybe I for once will need no hotel nor flights to arrange…) From Barry’s post: I can probably get a sponsor with the help … Read More

Cracking start for SMX Stockholm

The first European event in the SMX series got off to a great start with good attendance, excellent speaker content and a very good atmosphere. Stockholm, in the SES series, was always a more intimate occasion with a great deal … Read More

DeNA to introduce Overture Japan ads to Mbga.jp

Overture Japan and DeNA have agreed to introduce Overture’s paid ads to one of the largest Mobile gaming and SNS services in Japan, Mobaga Town (www.mbga.jp). The sponsored search mobile’s ads appear on “moba search”, and the content match mobile’s … Read More

iGoogle in 13 new languages

13 may be a fatal number, but obviously not at Google. Announcment on the Official Google Blog says that iGoogle has been localized for 13 new languages. Users speaking – Arabic – Bulgarian – Catalian – Croatian – Icelandic – … Read More

MySpace sets sights on Russia

MySpace, the popular social networking site has announced plans to roll out a Russian language version to capitalise on the country’s fast-growing Internet advertising business. Alexa currently ranks MySpace in 55th place in Russia but analysts say their competitive advantage … Read More

Turks like shopping abroad online

According the MasterCard Turkey, the number of purchases Turkish internet users have made online at non-Turkish websites has increased more than 20% while the value of purchases increased 46% between 2005-2006. The most popular online shopping destinations for Turkish people … Read More

Rambler addresses Russian press rumours of delisting

Prof-Media has issued a formal response to the rumours circulating in the Russian press concerning their delisting on the London Stock Exchange. Prof-Media is the majority share holder in Rambler Media, the company operating the Rambler search engine portal in … Read More

Turkish SEO landscape

I am not going to give you some statistics about which search engines are popular in Turkey… Google is top as in the UK and Yahoo and MSN come after that. Other so called search engines like rehber or iyi … Read More

Banner ads had -6.2% in Japan

According to Net Ratings’ “Ad Relevance” report, the banner advertising on web had 6.2% decrease in August from July. The decrease was not just in the amount of money spent on the advertising, but also the number of advertisers (-4.1%), … Read More
