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Digital marketing for global brands

Japan's mobile goo search becomes more powerful

NTT Resonant announced it’s plan to strengthen its mobile search engine, “mobile goo”. With this improved mobile search engine, the user can search more than 62,000 songs from the database, and more than 7 million videos from YouTube and other … Read More

China blocks YouTube after Tibetan protests

China has apparently blocked access to YouTube.com after video clips appeared on the website showing massive pro-independence protests in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Internet users that were trying to access YouTube were served a blank screen. This isn’t the … Read More

China takes the lead in internet users

According to estimates from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), Beijing research firm BDA and the online market anlayst Nielsen/NetRatings, China has overtaken the US in the number of internet users at around 220 million. These numbers were estimated … Read More

MS's Soapbox opens in Japan

Microsoft’s video sharing site, Soapbox, officially opened in Japan on March 12th. It’s a mirror image of English site, even to the sub-categories, which means that not many Japanese videos are available, yet. In Japan, YouTube is very popular and … Read More

7.8 million Ukrainian users online per month

New figures published by CyberSecurity.ru have shown the number of internet users in Ukraine rose by 1% between January and February of this year. There are now 7767005 (7.8m) unique users per month online in the country. That represents massive … Read More

Baidu, Omniture form strategic alliance

Omniture Inc., a leading provider of online business software, announced they will provide Baidu.com, the leading Chinese Internet search engine, technology to measure online marketing campaigns. According to the companies, combining their technologies will allow marketers the ability to analyze … Read More

New IPO Rumours for Russian Yandex

The Moscow Times reports that the leading Russian search engine, Yandex, plans for float shares in an IPO on New York’s Nasdaq stock exchange this fall. They have accredited this to a “banking source with knowledge of the matter”. Yandex … Read More

Online Marketing For Immigrants?

I read a Hitwise article explaining how rising Polish population in the UK is reflected in the number of Polish websites visited from the UK. It seems that the Google’s third most visited website within the UK is Google.pl and … Read More
