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Digital marketing for global brands

Post Collection on South Korean Internet

Joop Dorresteijn has started a series of posts which aim to explore the South Korean internet market. The series is not complete yet but one to bookmark if you’re looking for information on one of the most active internet markets … Read More

State of the mobile web: First Quarter, 2008

Opera Software, maker of the Opera browser, has recently released the first quarter study related to internet usage in relation with mobile phones using the Opera mini browser. Information contained in the report is based on aggregated data from Opera … Read More

Link building

Dixon Jones – Receptional Getting indexed is the easy bit – problems arise when you start building brand – 3 elements are central to your placement query site links Now that links are imperative problems arise on how to interpret … Read More

Content management issues and SEO

Kristjan Mar Hauksson – Nordic eMarketing Technical issues can kill your website – missed opportunities. In many cases CMS is at the base of the problem. People are more likely to click on URLs that are READABLE (transparent and understandable)  … Read More

FTSE 100 Companies and SEO

Eyal Haik – WebCertain 45 companies out of 100 were examined – many of them have little global web presence. There was an inconsistent approach to implementation (for examp on the TLDs) Scorese ranged from 23 to 78% – a … Read More

Doing Business in Asia

Barry Lloyd gives an interesting presentation on doing business in Asia. All Asian countries are very very different Cultures are different and totally different from western customs Getting products in front of your target market is easier than any previous … Read More

Geolocalisation and Search Engine Issues

John Brenne – Geolocalisation, hosting and domain issues Local links Ip address domains language telling the engine what makes your site regional ? your domain name sublevel domains country code all require local links you can identify the language with … Read More

International Search Summit

The International Search Summit kicks off this morning at the British Library with he welcome of Andy Atkins Kruger, introducing speakers and above all the international market where English is no longer the dominant language. Geo.targeting and linguistics are introduced … Read More

Facebook Japan to begin services

On May 19th, Facebook announced the launch of Facebook Japan. During the interview, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook was different from mixi or MySpace where you can connect with anyone, and believed that they can obtain a good … Read More

Google has added 10 new languages

Google has added ten new languages to its translation service bringing the total to 23, Google also added a “detect language” option for those that need. The languages are Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hindi, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian and Swedish. … Read More

Top Japanese Websites for March 2008

comScore’s top Japanese property ranking for March 2008 is out. While there’s no changes in ranking for the past several months, I’d like to point out that the gap between the #1 site (Yahoo) and #2 site (Google) is getting … Read More
