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Digital marketing for global brands

New Japanese domain ".日本" will be available in 2009

Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced its plan to introduce Japanese Kanji character domain “.日本” or “.日本国” as early as Summer 2009. Currently, Japanese characters can be used as “郵便局.jp”. There are about 1 million “.jp” domains registered … Read More

Google Analytics now in Portuguese

Google Analytics is now available in Portuguese. Google Analytics is a widely used web analytics tool, provided for free by Google and already used by many webmasters in Portugal. In October, Google had already announced that Google Sites – a … Read More

B2B search engine Accoona acquired by Masterseek

Accoona, a b2b search engine, was recently acquired by the Masterseek, a global business search engine. “Masterseek is a virtual showroom to search out business information about others and to guide and update the information available on your own company.” … Read More

40% of Japanese online visited Music site

comScore, Inc. released a study of music related sites in Japan. It shows that nearly 40% of the Japanese online population visited an entertainment music site such as iTunes in the month of August in 2008. The study also revealed … Read More

Baidu launches C2C marketplace "Youa"

Baidu, the world’s leading Chinese search engine, officially launched their consumer to consumer e-commerce platform “Youa”. Baidu has their own branded online payment system called BaiFuBao, to make purchases on Youa. Youa was previously available to 10,000 pre-approved sellers and … Read More

Top Japan Web Site Rankings for August 2008

comScore just released its August 2008 rankings of the largest and fastest-growing Internet properties and site categories in Japan, based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service. During a month of August, travel sites had much growth … Read More

Google acquires Korean blogging platform TNC

Is Google finally becoming serious in approaching the Korean market? Joop Dorresteijn reports that blogging platform TNC has been acquired by Google today; making them the first acquired company by Google in Korea. (who’s counting anyway) TNC offers a blogging … Read More

African Ad Network Pamoja Launched

According to The White African Blog, a new Ad network has been launched called Pamoja Media. Started by Joshua Wanyama (of AfricanPath) and Benin Mwangi (of Cheetah Index), it’s an ad network created to serve advertisers trying looking for a … Read More

SMX Brasil 2008: a good start

There are always room for improvements, but my overall impression of SMX São Paulo 2008 was positive. In order to avoid duplicated content 🙂 I’m linking to Sara Holoubek’s post at DM News.

Using Mobile Phones as a Cultural Lens

The Complexity and Social Networks Blog presents an interesting paper on mobile phone users and data stored in service provider databases around the world, discussing the different types of data captured and how it can be used to provide insight … Read More

Portugal buys 500,000 Intel classmates

Intel signed a deal with the Portuguese government in which they will provide experience and know how in the education market in order to put 500,000 small PCs in the hands of children with ages raging from 6 to 10 … Read More
