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Digital marketing for global brands

Baidu unveils the 'Aladdin Plan' to reveal hidden web

Baidu, the world’s largest Chinese search engine, announced the opening of a Shanghai research and development center to implement the “Aladdin Plan” in order to identifying the ‘Hidden Web’. The Hidden Web, also know as ‘Deepnet’ or, the ‘Invisible Web’ … Read More

Friendfeed to open Japanese version

Friendfeed is now available in 6 new languages including Japanese and Chinese. Friendfeed currently works with 59 services including Facebook, Fricker, YouTube and Twitter, and 1/3 of the users are already using it with languages other than English. Facebook and … Read More

Top Japan website rankings for October 2008

ComScore, Inc. just announced top Japan website rankings for the month of October 2008. The ranking information is based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service. The rankings of the largest and fastest growing Internet properties and … Read More

Google opens up hard liquor ads

Google recently opened ads to beer and now hard liquor ads will be allowed in January. The liquor advertisers can only buy ads on Google that are directed to the liquor manufacturers site. According to a Google rep in Asia … Read More

Vertical search engines in Bulgaria

The vertical search field in Bulgaria has seen some development in the last six to 12 months and in this post I will try to cover the current situation and outline the future trends. Only two years ago virtually no … Read More

International Search Summit – Worldvision Paid Search Strategy – How to Sing in Tune with Emerging Markets

10 DOs and 10 Don’ts when turning to the emerging markets Lesley Richards – Samia Kesseiri of Web Certain Reach your market Keyword research Segmentation and geotargeting Decide on your budget Localize your objectives Media Placement Landing page localization (landing page relevancy – unique sale propositions …) … Political factors don’t assume everyone purchases online Algerians research online and buy offline In China payment is not with credit card but Cash on delivery Geotargeting is essential in big countries (see Brasil for example) CPC can vary considerably – don’t expect to pay less in india than in the UK English is used in B2B – don’t think you need to go local always … … Read More

International Search Summit – web usability

Often there are problems related to effectiveness – can users achieve what they need to Ease of learning Recognition rather than recall error prevention satisfaction all fundamental parameters requiring attention and measurement to benchmark website performance. Search Usability – ease with which users find information on a website. people say a lot about what they want with their keywords – more “pogo sticking” there is less likely are conversions … … Read More

International Search Summit – Eniro

Blending is blurring for search marketers as it adds more complexity – google is using Eniro for local results, Eniro is using search results from Google to complement the local directory. Local services: High quality search traffic transparent network true partnership innovative solutions service = people locally you’ll et more value for money buying from the locals …

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International Search Summit – Microsoft adCenter

4.8% and Google 75.3% Algorithm and INdex are important and have priority, now using multimap as mapping software Research Investment – Blind Taste Test, a comparison between Live and other search engines to test validity of the results Search behaviours: 3 categories Find, discover, explore – these are highly engaged in their exploring, the most interesting group Farecast – currently all around travel. … New tools for the adCenter have ben released – adcenter desktop tool now available, this was the N. 1 request of users – designed around office 2007, now in beta availabel to premium clients, now the excel plugin – allows to do research on keywords an keyoword suggestions. adExcellence is the Online Educational Tutorial website to learn all about adCenter (www.adExcellence.com) there is also an adCenter Community (adcentercommunity.com)

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International Search Summit – YANDEX

So all the metrics about secured pages are pretty much useless in this market. 33% of russians are weekly users about 19 million users – big growth potential There are mainly DSL connections Younger people (12-17) are most active with a peak in Moscow – typical of Russia, Moscow is like a separate country.

…Petersburg, other russian 30% other countries 12% Average price for click: high tech $ 0,31 Consulting $ 0,62 Tourism $ 0,34 B2B $ 0,66 (gowing down along with finance, and education) Yandex offers an English interface but not the best it could be presenting russian where English is not available Yandex offers premium and guaranteed positions – the most intensive way of promoting your site on Yandex search – then there is rotation.

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The 2nd international Search Summit kicks off today

Alex Burmaster – Nielsen Online, European Search Landscape Nielsen Online, what consumers do and consume online, what they say and share online Italy 20% increase in the number of people using search engines, uk +6% Spain +12% People are spending more time in search online +26% Uk + 10% Italy In Sept. 13% of click throughs are paid , 9% (D), 7% (F) 28% CTRs are travel, multi category commerce, 27% home and fashion 25% (this is UK, similar in Germany, a bit on the lower side in France 19%-17%-17%) drilling down Insurance, gifts 6 Flowers, multi-category, loans, free merchandise, credit card, multi-category level, cruise lines, hotels, automotive Secure click throughs: 4.2%(UK) 2.6% (F) 2.1% (D) – a search link will ultimately lead to a secure website Google, Google Images, MSN/WL, ASK, YAHOO! , AOL, Virgilio Ricerca, Viola, Trovit, Google Product are the main engines, in this order Mobile search becoming an increasingly important aspect of search, Italy in head of Europe, UK, F, D, ES – italy a 2.2 million unique mobile internet users Mobile search is a male orientated landscape – roughly 70/30 in Europe, but tends to be closer to a 50/50 split in the UK Age group 35-49 is the biggest group (always for mobile)

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Baidu's Robin Li to keynote at ad:tech Shanghai

Robin Li, CEO of the world’s leading Chinese search engine Baidu, will be the keynote speaker at ad:tech. ad:tech, a global interactive marketing event, will be held in Shanghai, Novermber 25 – 26, 2008 at the Shanghai International Convention and … Read More
