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Digital marketing for global brands

Baidu accused of being a monopoly

Baidu.com, China’s leading search engine company, has been accused of being a monopoly by the Tangshan Renren Information Service Company (TRISC) who is demanding more than 1.1 million renminbi (USD $160,000) in compensation. The suit was opened at the Beijing … Read More

Baidu launches search for seniors

Baidu.com, the world’s leading Chinese search, launched a specially designed search engine for seniors. The search engine which is more like a portal is named named “Baidu Elderly Search” in Chinese. The design helps older users by emphasizing clicking on … Read More

Japanese Internet market is still growing

Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications released the latest Internet population data in Japan. According to the report, there were more than 90.9 million Internet users in Japan as of January 2009, which is 2.8 million more than the … Read More

21.7million Japanese visited YouTube in Feb'09

According to comScore Japan’s access ranking report on entertainment sites for February 2009, 45.7 million Japanese visited entertainment sites during the month of February, which is about 74% of Internet users in Japan. (The data includes the accesses from PC … Read More
