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Internal Google Antitrust Memo Leaked

20 April 2015 – Global Marketing News

Internal Google antitrust memo leaked

An internal memo that was circulated to Google staff about the EU antitrust investigation has been leaked online.

The EU has launched an antitrust investigation against Google, which argues that the search engine has been abusing its dominance in the search market to put links to its own services above those of competitors in the search results pages.

The memo asks Google employees not to talk to anyone about any pending legal issues, either internally or externally. It also reveals that the search giant is confident that it has a strong case against the EU.

Google argues that contrary to what the EU is claiming, there is plenty of competition in the search market, naming rivals Yahoo and Bing as well-known alternatives. It also points out that new virtual assistants such as Siri and Cortana, which are installed on some smartphones and have search capabilities, can be considered rivals.

The memo also points out that in the area of online shopping, rivals such as Amazon and eBay are much more popular than Google when it comes to shopping-related queries.

Google warns its employees that its mobile operating system Android is also likely to find itself under investigation by the EU.

It expresses confidence that it has a robust argument against the EU in this arena too, however, saying that apps by their competitors Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon are easily available on the Google Play Store.

It also points out that the Android operating system is open-source so can be used by anyone for free.

Line to create app for Apple Watch

The popular Asian messaging app Line has announced that it has teamed up with Apple to create a Line app for the newly released Apple Watch.

Line’s Watch app will allow users to open and send Line messages on the Apple Watch, and will also have voice message capabilities. The app will also have 38 different stickers and 144 different emoji.

The Watch app will not have some features of the mobile Line app, however. It will not include text message or picture message capabilities, for example.

The Line Watch app will be available in Japanese, Korean, traditional and simplified Chinese, English, and several other European languages.

Line is not the only Asian messaging company that will be launching an app on Apple Watch, the popular Chinese messaging app WeChat has also announced that it will be creating an app for the Apple Watch.

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UAE government and LinkedIn announce partnership

The UAE government has entered into a partnership with LinkedIn in a bid to bring its 90,000 employees onto the platform.

The UAE’s government’s Dubai Smart Government body has also created an official company page on the site, the first UAE government department to do so.

The partnership will allow UAE government departments and employees to communicate more effectively, and will also serve as an effective job hunting resource.

LinkedIn is the most popular professional social network in the world, with almost 350 million members worldwide.

Mobile shopping most popular in Asia-Pacific

And finally, research by Global Web Index has revealed that mobile shopping is most common in the Asia-Pacific region.

Almost half of all internet users in the Asia-Pacific said that they regularly used their mobile phones to make an online purchase, way ahead of Latin America in second place where just over a quarter of internet users reported doing so.

Internet users in the Middle East and North Africa came in third, with people from North America and Europe coming in last place, where just 1 in 5 said they engaged in mobile ecommerce.

It seems that younger people in these regions are more willing to engage in mobile ecommerce, however, with around 30% of under 35s from the US and UK saying they had used their mobile phone to buy a product online.

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Immanuel Simonsen

Research Manager at Webcertain
As the Research Manager of multilingual web marketing agency Webcertain, Immanuel heads up the company’s global market research activities and large content marketing projects. He is the author of several reports and guides, including ‘The Essential Guide to Rel-Alternate-Hreflang’ and ‘The Webcertain Global Search and Social Report 2013’. Apart from being a tutor at the International Marketing School -- teaching online marketing professionals on business opportunities around the globe -- Immanuel is a regular speaker at the International Search Summit, a leading event series dedicated to multilingual search and social media marketing.

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