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Internet World conference summary

The conference was full of motivated people and interestingly enough more and more people have tried search. In fact in a survey conducted during the conference the attendants were asked what type of webmarketing activities they are currently working with. … Read More

Internet World conference this week

Internet World, the magazine about webmarketing, has a conference in Stockholm this week. Search is one of the major topics and about 250 people have registered to attend the conference. It will take place tomorrow, tuesday 26th and wednesday the … Read More

Japanese blog user survey

Internet.com and goo research have announced its blog user survey results. It shows the difference in usage between male and female. Q1: Have you viewed someone else’s blog in last 30 days? Male – Yes 77.75% Female – Yes 80.40% … Read More

China click fraud lands Baidu in court

Baidu, China’s leading search engine, is defending itself in court from charges of click fraud by online advertisters in China. Analysys International, an IT research firm, conducted a survey of 2,000 online advertisers in China and found that one-third believed … Read More

China Telecom and Microsoft team up with search

China Telecom Corp. Ltd., the largest Internet service provider in China, has partnered with the Microsoft to use Microsoft’s Windows Live Technology to power China Telecom’s 114 Web search network. According to media reports Microsoft will make its Live Search … Read More

Murdoch planning Chinese MySpace

It seems Rupert Murdoch – owner of Fox Media and MySpace – plans on launching a Chinese version of MySpace. If it is half as popular there then I think we will se MySpace as the number one visitied site … Read More

Human search engine prototype – Jatalla

Jatalla is an new and interesting way to organize and explore the web. Unlike “traditional search engines” Jatalla’s motor are people, called to describe a web site based on their experience as users. Jatalla relies only upon relevance rankings performed … Read More
