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Europe leads in mobile internet access

eMarketer reports on Internet access via mobile devices. The study was conducted in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, and the US. while 29% of European Internet users regularly access the Internet from their mobile phones, only 19% of US users … Read More

Japan gets tough with YouTube

Seems the Japanese are pushing copyright violations against YouTube in an effort to have them pull thousands of videos from the site. According to an article in Adotas, YouTube removed about 30,000 videos at the request of the the Japan … Read More

The 'new' Dutch ilse

On the Picnic event I spoke to Nils Rooijmans who was enthusiastic about the new search core search engine ilse has been using. Ilse Media took a licence on the French search technology Exalead to give better search results orientated … Read More

.asia domain name to be launched

Foxnews reports that an organisation known as “DotAsia Organization Ltd” has had its application to run domain names in asian languages under the top level domain ‘.asia’ approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. The domains will … Read More

Ratings on internet usage in Italy

Ratings were released on the internet usage of Italians for September 2006. The report indicates a substantial stability in the number of online users with a significant increase in the amount of time spent online. The number of users increased … Read More

Google not finding good hires in India

According to the TimesOfIndia, Google is having problems finding the right employees in India. Middle management seems to be an area Google has troubles finding suitable employees in the India area.
