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Web 2.0 Expo Tokyo in November

O’Reilly Japan and CMO Technology announced its plan for “Web 2.0 Expo Tokyo”. It’s currently scheduled for November 15 and 16 at Izumi Garden in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan. Tim O’Reilly is scheduled to attend the expo as a keynote, which … Read More

Yahoo's ads platform "Panama" opened in Japan

After a long wait, Yahoo / Overture has finally shifted the pay-per-click ads platform to “Panama” in Japan. According to comScore Networks’ study, the advertising campaign on new platform is bringing a higher click-through-rate (5-9% up) since its opening on … Read More

Sapo Noticias takes on Google News in Portugal

Sapo, the largest Internet entertainment portal in Portugal, launched Sapo Local this week. This move follows others from Sapo news pages, that now specifically target sport, technology and economy. Sapo Local uses AJAX to gather news from different places into … Read More

Portuguese use the Internet to create businesses

The Portuguese Justice minister Alberto Costa announced that the Internet is fast becoming the preferred method for Portuguese businessmen to create new businesses. A year and half ago, a program called “Empresa na Hora” (Create your company in one hour) … Read More

Google Israel to support Adsense in Hebrew

Last week, Israeli Google CEO, Mr. Meir Brand, announced that the AdSense features are finally supported for Hebrew advertisers and publishers. The back office translated interface is a bit clumsy, but still better then nothing. Till this statement, many Hebrew … Read More

Eastpoint goes Miami

Eastpoint has bought MIG in Sweden and is now moving towards the US market with a new entity in Miami under their entity Getupdated. They will service the US market with the same services as the Swedish market: search marketing … Read More

Second Life study association in Japan

Dentsu and Digital Hollywood announced their plan to establish the Second Life Study Association (SLSA) by early March. They are hoping that SLSA to become the place to exchange information related to the marketing activities related to Second Life. At … Read More

Sweden's Eniro is buying bubblare.se

Eniro has bought 48.1 % of Netclips who owns the video clip community bubblare.se.
They want to strengthen their position in the market and have a more vertical approach and of course the ability to compete with more videorelated content in the fields of search. With the recent new launch of their maps and search ability they are predicted to grow as a strong player in the Swedish search landscape. … Read More

China's Baidu.com 4th quarter income grows fivefold

Baidu.com, China’s leading search engine, reported a fivefold increase in fourth quarter net income as online marketing revenue more than doubled. China’s Internet market is the second largest after the United States, with more than 123 million people online. Baidu.com’s … Read More

Gmail free for all in Brazil

Since last week anyone can sign-in to Google’s free webmail. Until now you needed an invitation from an user. Brasil accounts for second largest number of Gmail users, boosted by Orkut.

Yahoo launches Mobile ads in Brazil

Following the roll-out in 19 countries, Yahoo introduced banner ads on its mobile-specific Web site. According to Click Z “The ads on Yahoo’s mobile sites are part of a new publishing platform built to better deliver both content and marketing … Read More

Norway's FAST cuts out the middleman of search advertising

Norway’s FAST, a leader in search engine technologies in the world has launched its private-label monetization platform called AdMomentum for online media publishers, retailers, and telecommunications service providers. Publishers now can have their own network and advertisers without any third party intervention. AdMomentum will help publishers to build direct relationships with their advertisers with customized interface and advertising options like: Text, Images, Video, and audio. … Read More

Japanese are talking about videos online

NicoNicoDouga” is not a website for you to submit videos, but to comment about videos you viewed at YouTube and Ameba Vision. Since the opening of its beta version on January 15, 2007, they received 10 mil comments by Feb 7, and getting more than 20 mil page views/day. At NicoNicoDouga, you can submit the URL of videos you wish to comment, or search for videos that people are commenting.
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