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Free PDF on Website Globalisation

Marketing Sherpa have released a useful white paper on Website Globalisation, you can download this free of charge until the 11th April. Web globalization isn’t just for large multinational corporations anymore. Companies of all sizes are capitalizing on the Internet … Read More

Yahoo! Japan Laboratory opened

Yahoo! Japan announced the opening of Yahoo! Japan Laboratory in Tokyo. It aims to contribute to a healthy, rich development of the Internet by investigating and researching a further possibility of the Internet with the advancement of the technology, and … Read More

Orkut is visiting Brazil

Orkut Buyukkokten, the engineer behind Google’s social network website, is visiting Brazil for the first time. He is in Rio de Janeiro this week, and will visit São Paulo (including a breakfast at GooglePlex with a select group of clients) … Read More

Ask.com behind the Anti-Google campaign

Ask.com admits that they’re behind the nifty guerrilla marketing campaign launched to promote search alternatives, in effect to sway users away from Google. After all, Google the market leader by far. The url at the bottom of the advertisement is … Read More

Blogs to be censored in China

Once again the fear of freedom has pushed the Chinese government to censorship. This time blogs are the target. According to Reuters, “the director of China’s General Administration of Press and Publication, Long Xinmin, said the administration was forming rules … Read More

Yahoo! China sued for music piracy

11 music industry giants are suing Yahoo! China for alleged copyright infringement. The lawsuit was filed by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) on behalf of the their members. Among the 11 are Warner Music, Sony BMG, EMI … Read More

"10 years of internet growth ahead," says ShopWiki's Kevin P. Ryan, AdTech Paris

“The easy money in keyword advertising is gone,” says Ryan, but there are “Clearly 10 years of growth ahead for the internet” and no “The bubble is not back!” he says. Gone are the days when the biggest question he faced was “When will you start to make money” Now he believes the internet is “under-hyped” simply because the typical US exit route for founders is by acquisition rather than IPO. This lack of IPOs gives the sector less publicity oxygen than it deserves. “Whether it’s e-commerce, advertising or publishing, the web is working very well!” he states confidently.
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Iceland takes on the role as world's data storage leader

With the completion of a second undersea cable between Iceland and the UK scheduled for 2008 the country will add yet another reason to the long list of why it is being considered one of the best places in the world for high-security data storage. Iceland is not only a peaceful country but also rich on energy, space and technology knowledge. Not forgetting the stable economic environment.
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