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Geolocalisation and Search Engine Issues

John Brenne – Geolocalisation, hosting and domain issues Local links Ip address domains language telling the engine what makes your site regional ? your domain name sublevel domains country code all require local links you can identify the language with … Read More

Google has added 10 new languages

Google has added ten new languages to its translation service bringing the total to 23, Google also added a “detect language” option for those that need. The languages are Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hindi, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian and Swedish. … Read More

Online Marketing For Immigrants?

I read a Hitwise article explaining how rising Polish population in the UK is reflected in the number of Polish websites visited from the UK. It seems that the Google’s third most visited website within the UK is Google.pl and … Read More

Secondary Domain Market Study 2007

2007 witnessed a significant increase in the domain name market. Volume of sales increased by 60% reaching nearly € 50 million, up from € 30 million. All the numbers and statistics available from SEDO here.

Cracking start for SMX Stockholm

The first European event in the SMX series got off to a great start with good attendance, excellent speaker content and a very good atmosphere. Stockholm, in the SES series, was always a more intimate occasion with a great deal … Read More

iGoogle in 13 new languages

13 may be a fatal number, but obviously not at Google. Announcment on the Official Google Blog says that iGoogle has been localized for 13 new languages. Users speaking – Arabic – Bulgarian – Catalian – Croatian – Icelandic – … Read More
