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Yahoo! & Bing Search Allaince News

taken from http://www.searchalliance.com/europe/en/home The Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance is a major initiative between our companies to create a competitive choice in search for advertisers and consumers. The combined scale will assist both companies in speeding the pace of innovation … Read More

Google Search Is Going Social

Google has once again implemented a new search criteria, adding social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to SERPs. The updated  functionality will be rolled across the English language search engines when a user is logged in his or her … Read More

Genius: The Google Job Experiment

Search Engine Advertising, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Marketing, a.k.a Adwords for most users is one of the strongest online communication channel. You need to market a service, a product or even yourself worldwide? Well don’t go too far, don’t … Read More
