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Yandex Launches Visually-Enhanced Ads On Its Ad Network

Whether you’re running campaigns on the Yandex Advertising Network or participating as a publisher, yesterday’s announcement that Yandex will be offering integration of images into its contextual ads could prove beneficial for everyone involved. From an advertiser’s perspective, the option … Read More

5 essential tips for global SEM success

It generated substantial buzz in the search marketing industry when eBay last week published research that overall deems SEM ineffective. Especially large scale companies that already enjoy a high degree of brand awareness will find little to no value in the … Read More

China leapfrogs the world in social commerce

Everyone is well aware of the breakneck speed at which China is growing economically. Its breakneck pace of digital adoption is less well-known, however.  Many know of the speed with which Chinese consumers have adopted social media, but it the … Read More
