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World Statistics

Pear Analytics Report Shows 40% of all Tweets are Useless

The study examined a sample of US Tweets and provides interesting insights on how people are using Twitter: * 40% of Tweets are BLA BLA (people talking … about themselves) * 37% are conversational (people talking to people) * 8.7% are informational (RE TWEETS, people relaying useful, interesting information) The report provides numerous metrics including a section called Why Teens Aren’t Using Twitter where a 15 year old intern at Morgan Stanley finds Twitter not safe, and explains why teens prefer FaceBook and MySpace. … Read More

Using Mobile Phones as a Cultural Lens

The Complexity and Social Networks Blog presents an interesting paper on mobile phone users and data stored in service provider databases around the world, discussing the different types of data captured and how it can be used to provide insight … Read More

Turkmenistan joins the internet revolution

The Moscow Times reports that Turkmenistan has begun to allow private citizens to connect to the internet. The national internet provider, Turkmentelekom, said on Thursday that it has been connecting up to 20 homes a day since the announcement, mainly … Read More

State of the mobile web: First Quarter, 2008

Opera Software, maker of the Opera browser, has recently released the first quarter study related to internet usage in relation with mobile phones using the Opera mini browser. Information contained in the report is based on aggregated data from Opera … Read More
