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South Korea

How do you SEO the un-SEOable Naver?

Well, assuming that you have a rough indication of the way Naver works, you will know that the top results are very often not actually websites. Instead they are things that Naver returns from its own internal sources, such as … Read More

SEMPO expands the reach to APAC region

Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) announced its launch of SEMPO APAC Committee. SEMPO APAC plans and organizes SEMPO activities in the Asia-Pacific region to educate the market, grow membership and awareness of the Online & Search Marketing Industry, as … Read More

ComScore reveals Google share by market

Via Adage, ComScore has revealed the Google share by market showing the Google domination in many markets alongside discrepancies such as Korea where Google has a dismal share of the market. Western Europe has stronger Google shares than the US … Read More

Google acquires Korean blogging platform TNC

Is Google finally becoming serious in approaching the Korean market? Joop Dorresteijn reports that blogging platform TNC has been acquired by Google today; making them the first acquired company by Google in Korea. (who’s counting anyway) TNC offers a blogging … Read More

Asia-Pacific search engine rankings for April 2008

comScore just released an interesting data about the search rankings in Asia-Pacific region. According to their data, Google and Yahoo were the regional leaders as “top search properties” followed by China’s Baidu. “Because Google and Yahoo! have a strong presence … Read More

Post Collection on South Korean Internet

Joop Dorresteijn has started a series of posts which aim to explore the South Korean internet market. The series is not complete yet but one to bookmark if you’re looking for information on one of the most active internet markets … Read More
