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Google Names 3 Ad Reps in China

Google CEO named three companies as ad reps for them in China. According to Forbes, China Enterprise, China Source and Hotsales have become ad resellers for Google. Now that seems like a nice gig, selling food to starving people may … Read More

Yahoo! Invests $1 Billion in China's Alibaba

Seems the battleground between the major search engines has shifted to China. Following Google’s interest in Baidu – that recently went public and whose stock is performing well – Yahoo has announced a billion dollar investment in Alibaba – a … Read More

Google China Hire Starts MSN Lawsuit

Seems a new hire at Google, formerly of Microsoft, has created a stir and has been served with a lawsuit by MSN. ZDNet reports that Kai-Fu Lee is being sued by Microsoft for “the confidentiality and non-competition agreements he signed … Read More

China Joins Spam Fight

An article at internetnews.com, annouced that China is joining the internation battle against SPAM. China, the article notes, is the leading nation for zombie computers – infected computers that are used to send Spam. They have joined the 29 nation … Read More

China's Sohu Commits to Emphasize Search

Sohu seems to have adopted the Avis moto, “We try harder.” And, taking the global Google out of the mix, like the Avis, Sohu is China’s number two search engine. The Chinese government has tightened restrictions on internet companies, and … Read More

China Requires Blog and Site Registration

The freedom of the web is limited by the country it is connected to these days. As the article from Reporters Without Borders tells us China now requires every blogger and webmaster to register their online presence. China appears to … Read More

Google's desktop tool goes multilingual

The Google blog has announced that the desktop search tool is now available in a wider range of languages comprising of French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Japanese and Korean. Google Blog: Speaking of search
