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Jaein Lee

Jaein is a Social Media Specialist at Webcertain. She started her career whilst at university, as a journalist for an interview magazine. After graduating with a degree in Sociology and Fashion Design & Merchandising, she worked as a digital marketer working in various fields, including fashion, travel and online media. At the same time, she continued creating content as a freelance writer. By joining Webcertain, she is developing her skills as a global marketer who specialises in managing social media and influencer marketing. Jaein was born and lives in Seoul, South Korea.

Line marketing tips for 2024

What is Line? Line is a messenger app that was launched in Japan in 2011. It was made to meet Japanese users’ needs for services like free calls and texting. Line started life as an app very similar to WhatsApp … Read More

3 tips for digital marketing in South Korea

South Korea is an attractive prospect to many businesses looking to expand internationally, and there are several reasons why. The first reason is its size: it is a relatively large country, with a sizeable population, which means there will likely … Read More
