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WeChat Invests In Africa, Facebook’s Privacy Policy Breaks EU Law

2 March 2015 – Global Marketing News

WeChat invests in Africa

WeChat Africa has invested in the South African mobile jobs platform Money for Jam (M4JAM).

Money for Jam launched on WeChat in August 2014 and allows businesses to post small jobs, with workers then being able to apply for and complete the jobs.

The scheme was a big success, with WeChat Africa calling the growth of Money for Jam on the platform “rapid and overwhelming”.

The investment will allow Money for Jam to expand its business locally and internationally, with China looking like the most likely target market, given that WeChat is the country’s most popular social network.

Money for Jam commented on the investment, saying: “WeChat’s investment allows us to focus on building our business while they provide the community that helps enable our success. We launched M4JAM on WeChat because the social communications app offers a fast and easy deployment platform.”

Facebook’s privacy policy breaks EU law

A report by the Belgian privacy commission has found that Facebook’s privacy policy breaks EU law.

The EU laws in question are the Unfair Contract Terms Directive and the e-Privacy Directive, which state that companies must get active, informed consent from users before using their data for targeted advertising or determining their location.

Facebook uses data gathered from its users to target them with relevant adverts, and the Facebook app automatically collects location information from the user’s phone.

The Belgian privacy commission criticised the social network, saying: “Facebook places too much burden on its users. Users are expected to navigate Facebook’s complex web of settings in search of possible opt-outs. Facebook’s default settings related to behavioural profiling or Social Ads, for example, are particularly problematic.”

Spanish netizens consult social media when making purchasing decisions

The majority of internet users in Spain use social media to help them with purchasing decisions, according to research by ELOGIA.

70% of respondents said that comments they read on social media influenced their decision on whether to buy a product or not. 62% said that reading these comments was useful.

The majority of these people actively went about searching for this information on social media, rather than coming across it by chance. Clothing, shoes, books and travel were the most popular categories for people to research.

It seems that commenting about product purchases is an entrenched Spanish phenomenon, with almost 4 in 10 respondents admitting to doing so.

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World’s first Internet Museum to open in Germany

The world’s first physical Internet Museum is expected to open later this year in Berlin.

The project is still looking for an exact location, and hopes to raise the 700,000 US dollars needed through crowdfunding and private funding.

Once the museum is ready and open to the public, it hopes to attract 30,000 visitors per year. It will contain some of the first ever computer models, and will also contain information about hacking, social media, the mobile web, online security, and internet freedom and censorship.

A separate internet museum was launched in 2012 by a team in the Netherlands, however, this is purely online and does not have a physical museum space.

This week – SMX West!

And finally, just a reminder that SMX West, the leading search marketing conference, will be taking place this week in San Jose, California. The event kicks off today with a series of workshops on different specialist areas including international search marketing. The conference proper will begin tomorrow, and we’ll bring you news from there across this week.

Webcertain’s global marketing news bulletins are daily 5-minute videos, providing marketers with the latest international digital marketing news in an easy-to-digest format.

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Elin Box

Content Marketing Manager at Webcertain
Elin is a Content Marketing Manager at Webcertain. She is responsible for Webcertain’s Self-learning platform, producing in-depth guides on a range of international digital marketing topics. She also helps run the Webcertain blog and is the writer of the Webcertain search and social report, an annual report summarising digital marketing best practices in over 50 countries. She is passionate about educating and empowering people to make the best decisions for their business and is proud to help share Webcertain’s wealth of digital marketing knowledge with the world. Elin is from the UK.

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