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E-commerce statistics Italy 2006

Il Sole 24 Ore ha reported e-commerce B2C (business-to-consumer) numbers are on the rise with a 45% increase when compared to 2005, and an economic value of 4 billion Euros, still les than 1% of goods and services sold in Italy: Online purchasing is still a niche.

Tourism has shown significant increase and has reached maturity, now comparable with other major countries. Online reservations have significantly increased followed by electronics, online insurance, and groceries.

The analysis of recent data shows an increase in percentage of online sales of goods for the first time in 5 years

Many Italian consumers are still concerned with credit card transactions and online security issues.

Source: Web News HTML.it

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Sante J. Achille

2 Responses to E-commerce statistics Italy 2006

  1. Sante J. Achille says:

    I’m not too sure just what you mean when you say “a country with a culture of shopping”. My experience shows Italian use of teh web as a shopping tool very much on the rise and would be even more if banks and credit institutions were more open and flexible with users.

  2. ecommerce manager says:

    Online shopping is developing along with the bank sphere among ordinary people. On the other hand Italy is a shopping country with a culture of shopping and ecommerce can hardly be competitive.

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